NAP-GSP E-training course: "Mastering National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) - From Start to Finish”

This course Mastering National Adaptation Plans: from Start to Finish course will introduce learners to several important aspects of the NAP process.  It is aimed at enhancing knowledge of the NAP process elements,  relevant issues such as gender and climate information in NAP Formulation and Implementation; and financing NAP processes.  This interactive self-paced course will guide learners through various aspects of the NAP journey.

Available in English and French

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By completing the course, participants will be able to: 

  • Discuss the importance of inclusion of various stakeholders and institutions in the NAP process.
  • List some examples of important climate data and information necessary for the NAP process, as well as discuss their possible sources locally and internationally. 
  • Explain how climate change adaptation planning could be integrated across different climate-sensitive socio-economic sectors. 
  • Discuss common national and international sources of climate adaptation finance relevant for the NAPs. 



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