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NAP-GCF World Water Day

3 countries leading on climate action in Africa

Improving access to water and boosting food security in the Dry Zone of Myanmar

With funding from the Adaptation Fund and the support of UNDP,  vulnerable Myanmar communities are becoming more resilient to the impacts of climate change.  

For more information on the project 'Addressing Climate Change Risks on Water Resources and Food Security in the Dry Zone of Myanmar', click here.

Harnessing the Power of Innovation: Using KOBO to Monitor Resilient Housing Construction | February 2023

With the financial backing of the Green Climate Fund, vulnerable people in five coastal provinces of Viet Nam have been supported to build storm- and flood-resilient homes that can protect them during disasters. These houses supported by the project are more than just simple shelters: they have been solidly built with special resilient features and carefully designed to be in accordance with local cultures and conditions. In order to manage and monitor the construction process, the project used an innovative online software tool called KOBO.

SCALA in Cambodia