Gender in adaptation planning for the agriculture sectors: Guide for Trainers

The guide presents a mix of interactive activities and presentations, to be used in whole or in part, to improve the individual-level skills and behaviours needed to foster gender-responsive agriculture adaptation plans within a broader capacity development process. The emphasis is on adaptation in agriculture, however the materials can be applied to planning for climate change adaptation in other sectors. In addition to this Guide for trainers, there are companion PowerPoint templates that workshop organizers can tailor to their specific context.

Download PowerPoint presentation templates to adapt for delivering each unit

Unit 1.1: Opening a training workshop
Unit 1.2: Conceptual foundations
Unit 2.1: Gender-responsive approach to planning
Unit 2.2: Gender, stakeholder consultation and stocktaking
Unit 3.1: Gender analysis for adaptation in agriculture
Unit 3.2: Gender in climate vulnerability and risk assessments
Unit 3.3: Gender in selection of adaptation options
Unit 4.1: Gender entry points in plan formulation
Unit 4.2: Gender-responsive budgeting
Unit 5.1: Gender-responsive monitoring and indicators
Unit 5.2: Manage for change

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