Reports and Publications by country teams

Reports and Publications by country teams

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Cambodia SCALA Inception Report

This Inception Report provides an overview of the preparatory steps for the implementation of the SCALA programme carried out during the inception phase in Cambodia. The inception phase was complemented by key consultation and validation meetings with the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and the Ministry of Environment (MOE) as well as a wider set of national stakeholders. Furthermore, the report presents the work plan for the remainder of the implementation period.

Nepal SCALA Inception Report

This Inception Report provides an overview of the preparatory steps for the implementation of the SCALA programme carried out during the inception phase in Nepal. The inception phase was complemented by key consultation and validation meetings with the focal ministry and a wider set of national stakeholders. Furthermore, the report presents the work plan for the remainder of the implementation period.

Ethiopia SCALA Inception Report

This Inception Report complements SCALA Ethiopia project documentation with the outcomes of the inception activities. It specifies the SCALA inception activities undertaken by UNDP and FAO, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), and the Environment, Forest, and Climate Change Commission (EFCCC) to determine the scope and areas of SCALA programme implementation in Ethiopia. 

Case study: how Thailand is integrating agriculture into its climate adaptation plans

This country case study on Thailand is part of a series that describes the steps taken to formulate and implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), with a particular emphasis on adaptation in agriculture (including forestry, livestock and fisheries). The series aims to provide national policy makers with valuable information from colleagues and counterparts in Asia, Africa and Latin America who are on the same NAP journey to address the multiple challenges posed by climate change.



Safeguarding livelihoods and promoting resilience through National Adaptation Plans–Case study: The Philippines

The case study series aims to show the links between long-term adaptation planning/NAPs and activities supported by the NAP-Ag programme in the Philippines as well as the resulting impacts. The preparation of this case study is based on a review of country reports and publications, as well as interviews with the NAP-Ag country coordinator and team members, representatives from agencies with CCA responsibilities In the DA, CCC, PAGASA, National Economic and Development Authority and partner organization.



A main achievement of the ICCCAS Project was the launch of a Community Climate Change Fund to promote the development of community based solutions to address climate impact. Prior to the fund, little if any resources where available to communites to address these impacts. The success of the fund, led to the development of a feasibility study to identify a route forward towards institutionalizing and upscaling the community fund into a large national environmental fund. The report provides this anaylis. 

Monitoring and Evaluation Report for the Community Climate Change Adaptation Fund

The ICCAS Project developed an M&E framework to evaluate the impact of individual community projects for adaptation and gauge their impact as a whole on national resilience. This document serves as an important resource to evaluate this approach in generating community resilience and can serve as a best practice for future practitioners. 

Sistematización de resultados a los aportes a los compromisos nacionales e internacionales

Aportes a los compromisos nacionales e internacionales relacionados con diversidad biológica, cambio climático, gestión sostenible de la tierra y del paisaje, áreas protegidas y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

Documenting Best Practice of GEF supported interventions in Ethiopia

The publication highlights best practices which have been identified in four projects financed by the GEF and implemented by the government of Ethiopia with the support of UNDP. The projects focused on climate change, biodiversity and protected area system management.

Résumé Des Études 2014-2016

Comme de nombreux pays dans le monde, la Guinée est vulnérable au changement climatique. Celui-ci est caractérisé par des sècheresses, inondations, vents violents, fortes températures, des glissements de terrains et l’érosion côtière. Les études ont montré que la sécheresse est plus accentuée au nord du pays surtout dans les préfectures de Gaoual, Koundara et Mali limitrophes à des pays sahéliens.
