Project Brief / Fact Sheet

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UNDP Printable Photo Essay: Coasts At Risk (SP)

Attached is a 2-page project brief based on the Exposure Photo Essay: Coasts at Risk: Improving the climate-resilience of low-elevation coastal zones in Haiti (posted March 2015).

UNDP Printable Photo Essay: Coasts At Risk (FR)

Attached is a 2-page project brief based on the Exposure Photo Essay: Coasts at Risk: Improving the climate-resilience of low-elevation coastal zones in Haiti (posted March 2015).

UNDP Printable Photo Essay: Coasts At Risk (EN)

Attached is a 2-page project brief based on the Exposure Photo Essay: Coasts at Risk: Improving the climate-resilience of low-elevation coastal zones in Haiti (posted March 2015).

Learning Brief 1 - Introduction to Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A nature-based response to climate change

This brief is part of a series of learning briefs produced by UNDP. These briefs draw together experiences and lessons learned from working on ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) within the global Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) in Mountain Ecosystems Programme from 2011 to 2015. The content also draws on lessons generated by the broader global EbA community of practice. The briefs are designed for practitioners, including local government representatives, civil society organizations and other actors working on climate change issues.
