UNDP Guinea Project Document (November 2009)

The Project Document, from November 2009, gives detailed information on the project: Increasing Resilience and Adaptation to Adverse Impacts of Climate Change in Guinea's Vulnerable Coastal Zones. The ProDoc includes a Situation Analysis, with the Global, National and Regional Context, Climate Change Context, Past and Ongoing Activities in the country, Related Donor Assistance, and a Barrier Analysis. Also included is the Project Strategy, Operational Approach, Results and Resources Framework, Budget and Annual Work Plan, Management Arrangements and Coordination Structures, the Monitoring Framework and Evaluation and the Legal Context.

  • UNDAF Outcome(s): Preservation of the Environment et Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
  • UNDP Strategic Plan Environment and Sustainable Development Primary Outcome: Strengthened capacity of developing countries to mainstream climate change adaptation policies into national development plans
  • Expected CP Outcome(s): (i) Natural resources are better protected using a better juridical and institutional framework; (ii) Increased forestry's superficies
  • Expected CPAP Outputs: (i.1) A national policy for the protection and sustainable management of the environment is elaborated, adopted and implemented; (i.2) good practices and appropriate technologies are adopted and diffused; (ii.1) Mangroves areas possess operational development plans
  • Executing Entity/Implementing Partner: Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
  • Implementing Entity/Responsible Partners: National Council for the Environment 