Taxonomy Term List

Bangladesh - CCCD Project Identification Form

Project Identification form for the project "National Capacity Development for implementing Rio Conventions through Environmental Governance in Bangladesh”.

Burkina Faso - LDCF Project Identification Form

Project Identification form for the project " Reducing vulnerability of natural resource dependent livelihoods in two landscapes at risk of the effects of climate change in Burkina Faso: Boucles du Mouhoun Forest Corridor and Mare d’Oursi Wetlands Basin”

Cuba AF Project Proposal

Cuba proposal for "Reduction of vulnerability to coastal flooding through ecosystem-based adaptation in the south of Artemisa and Mayabeque provinces"

Colombia AF Project Proposal

Colombia Proposal for "Reducing risk and vulnerability to climate change in the region of La Depresión Momposina in Colombia"

PIF - Afghanistan, 7 Nov 2012

The Project Identification Form (PIF) for the Afghanistan LDCF project details how the project was formulated in alignment with the Updated Results-Based Management Framework and Adaptation Monitoring and Assessment Tool for the Least Developed Countries Fund. It corresponds to Objective CCA-1: “Reducing Vulnerability: Reduce vulnerability to the adverse impacts of climate change, including variability, at local, national, regional and global level”.

PIF: Promoting Climate-Resilient Development - Cuvelai River Basin, Angola. 09 Oct 2012

Project Information Framework: Promoting Climate-Resilient Development - Cuvelai River Basin, Angola. 09 Oct 2012

Strengthening Liberia's Climate Information and Services to Enhance Climate Resilient Development and Adaptation - Project Identification Form (June 2012)

This project responds to priorities and actions identified in the Liberia's NAPA which articulate the need for securing, transferring and installing critical technologies, as well as developing the necessary systems for climate change-related information to permeate into decision-making processes. The technologies required to achieve these aims will increase the capacity of the national early warning network to forewarn and rapidly respond to extreme climate events. 

CBA Guatemala - Pin Pin - Project Proposal (ES)

CBA Guatemala - ODICH - Project Proposal (ES)

CBA Guatemala - APRODIC - Project Proposal (ES with EN summary)
