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'Adapting to climate change and boosting food security through traditional knowledge and skills on Maiana' July 2020

June 03, 2020: Under a project aimed at enhancing national food security under climate change (known as ‘LDCF 1’), the Ministry of Internal Affairs, through its Culture and Museum Division, together with Tourism, have returned from a five-day visit to Maiana island to continue activities begun on the island several months ago, including planting of traditional food crops and to conduct research on traditional knowledge related to the environment and food security.

'Establishing a mini hatchery for giant clams and sandfish monitoring on Maiana Island' June 2020

June 29 2020: A team of four officials from the Aquaculture Unit in Coastal Fisheries, Tanaea has returned from a one-week trip to Maiana to research establishing a mini-hatchery for giant clams, and to monitor populations of sandfish and clams.

A highly prized food source, giant clams have been declining in abundance over the years. Harvesting hatchery-reared clams is more sustainable than harvesting wild clams. Hatcheries support the diversification of clams for livelihoods and economic activities.

Construire un avenir énergétique durable au Bénin

De nouveaux projets soutenus par le PNUD et financés par le FEM renforcent la résilience et la durabilité du secteur de l'énergie au Bénin

Le Bénin fait face à de nombreux défis énergétiques. Seul un tiers de la population a accès à l'électricité, des interruptions fréquentes perturbent le service, plus de 80 % de l'électricité est importée, le bois demeure la source d’énergie principale pour la cuisson et un climat changeant entraîne une hausse des températures et des pressions accrues l’approvisionnement en énergie du pays.

Press Release - Strengthening the adaptation and resilience of rural communities facing climate change in Madagascar

In order to reduce the vulnerability of populations in Madagascar facing the adverse effects of climate change and severe weather events, the UNDP launched a new project on January 27in Antsirabe titled "Improving Adaptation and Resilience to Address Climate Change in the Rural Communities of Analamanga, Atsinanana, Androy, Anosy and Atsimo Andrefana.”


Communique de Presse - Face au changement climatique, renforcer les capacités d’adaptation et de résilience des communautés rurales à Madagascar

Afin de réduire la vulnérabilité des populations face aux effets néfastes et pervers du changement climatique et des phénomènes météorologiques, le PNUD a procédé au lancement à Antsirabe du projet « Amélioration des capacités d’adaptation et de résilience face au changement climatique dans les communautés rurales à Analamanga, Atsinanana, Androy, Anosy et Atsimo Andrefana ».

P-CBA Planning Meeting Summary Report

The P-CBA Planning Meeting Summary Report outlines the discussions and outputs of the event.

Liberia: Transport Minister Launches Early Warning System Project

AllAfrica News Article (24 Jan 2014) : Liberia: Transport Minister Launches Early Warning System Project

Transport Minister, Tonorlah Varpilah says, his Ministry considers the US$6.7million dollars Early Warning System Project launched in Liberia under the Least Developed Country Fund very important to sustainable socioeconomic development in the Country.

Agenda for EWS workshop Liberia

The Agenda for EWS workshop Liberia
