Plans and policies of relevance to NAPs for Least Developed Countries (LDCs)

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Ethiopia’s Climate-Resilient Green Economy Strategy – 2012


Ethiopia aims to achieve the status of a middle income, carbon-neutral country by 2025. This document gives a brief overview of the strategies behind this plan centered around four key actions – increasing food yield, protecting and reestablishing forests as carbon stocks, expanding renewable energy generation and leapfrogging to energy efficient technologies in transport and industries. 

Ethiopia’s Climate-Resilient Green Economy Strategy – 2012


Ethiopia aims to achieve the status of a middle income, carbon-neutral country by 2025. This document gives a brief overview of the strategies behind this plan centered around four key actions – increasing food yield, protecting and reestablishing forests as carbon stocks, expanding renewable energy generation and leapfrogging to energy efficient technologies in transport and industries. 

Burundi’s Vision Burundi 2025 – June 2011

Vision Burundi is a synthesis report based on the conclusions of forward-looking national studies “Burundi-2025” started in 2003. The document looks at 8 pillars of development and recommends policies and strategies from the viewpoint of sustainable development. Currently the economy of Burundi is largely agrarian, dependent on the vagaries of the climate. Cognizant of this, the government aims to build environmental policies focusing on adaptation strategies and renewable energy technology. 

Burundi’s Vision Burundi 2025 – June 2011

Vision Burundi is a synthesis report based on the conclusions of forward-looking national studies “Burundi-2025” started in 2003. The document looks at 8 pillars of development and recommends policies and strategies from the viewpoint of sustainable development. Currently the economy of Burundi is largely agrarian, dependent on the vagaries of the climate. Cognizant of this, the government aims to build environmental policies focusing on adaptation strategies and renewable energy technology. 

Vanuatu National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) Official Document - December 2007

The objective of the NAPA project for Vanuatu was to develop a country-wide programme of immediate and urgent project-based adaptation activities in priority sectors, in order to address the current and anticipated adverse effects of climate change, including extreme events.

Vanuatu National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) Official Document - December 2007

The objective of the NAPA project for Vanuatu was to develop a country-wide programme of immediate and urgent project-based adaptation activities in priority sectors, in order to address the current and anticipated adverse effects of climate change, including extreme events.

Samoa National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) Official Document - December 2005

Samoa, like other Least Developed Countries (LDCs) inherits high vulnerability to natural disasters and to external economic and trade developments for which it has no control. These natural disasters include tropical cyclones, prolonged periods of drought, extreme flooding, pests and sudden outbreak of diseases, storm surges and sea level rise.

Samoa National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) Official Document - December 2005

Samoa, like other Least Developed Countries (LDCs) inherits high vulnerability to natural disasters and to external economic and trade developments for which it has no control. These natural disasters include tropical cyclones, prolonged periods of drought, extreme flooding, pests and sudden outbreak of diseases, storm surges and sea level rise.

Tuvalu National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) Official Document - May 2007

With Tuvalu's limited natural resource base, widely scattered and sparsely populated islands which rarely exceed 3 meters above mean sea level, a small domestic market with little potential for economies of scale, isolation from international markets, and smallness in geographical size shows Tuvalu is highly vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change, extreme weather events, and sea level rise.

Tuvalu National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) Official Document - May 2007

With Tuvalu's limited natural resource base, widely scattered and sparsely populated islands which rarely exceed 3 meters above mean sea level, a small domestic market with little potential for economies of scale, isolation from international markets, and smallness in geographical size shows Tuvalu is highly vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change, extreme weather events, and sea level rise.
