A message from the NAP-GSP

Building on the extensive work and success achieved through the GEF-funded “National Adaptation Plans Global Support Programme (NAP-GSP)” jointly implemented by UNDP and UNEP, the GEF recently approved a project on “Strengthening Endogenous Capacities of Least Developed Countries to Access Finance for Climate Change Adaptationto be implemented by the UNEP and executed by START International.

The project will provide support to the Least Developed Countries University Consortium on Climate Change (LUCCC’s) with an aim to strengthen individual and institutional capacities of LDCs to achieve scaled up and effective climate change adaptation by fostering sustained endogenous technical services for project development, policy mainstreaming and strengthening the enabling environment for adaptation to climate change. This objective will be met through greater capacities of universities to deliver technical services for adaptation to climate change (e.g. capacity development, policy research and recommendations, project proposal development, etc.) and therefore increasing the ability of LDCs to access international climate finance.

The USD 1,980,000 Medium-sized Project will be implemented over a two-year duration from January 2022. UNDP will continue to partner with UNEP, by providing advisory services and strategic direction on the project board of the endogenous capacities project, building on the lessons learned and successes of the NAP-GSP project.